The Grant Assistance for Grassroots Human Security Project (GGP) is a framework that essentially supports NGOs and local public institutions in order to respond to various development needs in a prompt and precise manner, but on a comparatively small scale. The GGP primarily targets projects contributing to improve Basic Human Needs at the community level, building on the concept of “Human Security”.

The Embassy of Japan in Niue has been supporting diverse projects through the GGP since 2016, resulting in 6 projects that have been funded and implemented (as of December 2023).

Eligible Recipients

The Embassy of Japan accepts applications from the following organisations that have at least 2 years of operational background in Niue:
  1. Non-Government Organisations (NGOs)
  2. Local Government Units (LGUs) and
  3. Non-Profit Organisations such as public schools and medical institutes.
   *Individuals and profit organisations are NOT eligible.

Grant Amount

Japan’s GGP grant is generally capped at 10 million Japanese yen (approximately NZ$ 119,047 in FY 2023) per project. (Note: Exchange rates fluctuate year by year)

How to Apply and Further Information

Guidelines and Applications
GGP Brochure
Examples of Past Projects

If you have any questions, please contact


Project Areas

ggp image

Projects that fall within the following areas can be assisted:


  1. Meeting Basic Human Needs
    1. Health and Medical Care
      • Upgrading of health stations and units, and hospitals in rural areas and in strategic outlying areas
      • Maternal and Child Health, Family Planning or Reproductive Health in areas with high fertility rates
    2. Portable Water
      • Water system development in rural areas with no access to water
      • Water quality improvement in areas with high incidence of water-borne diseases
  2. Social Welfare
    1. Welfare and empowerment of marginalised sectors (children, elderly, indigenous people, persons with disabilities, women, etc)
  3. Basic Education and Human Resource Development
    1. Building and repairing school buildings in rural areas and schools with poor educational environments
    2. Building and repairing training centre buildings for human resource development and community development
  4. Environmental Protection/Disaster Relief
    1. Community-Based Resource Management
      • Coastal Resource Management
      • Agro-Forestry/Reforestation
      • Biodiversity Conservation
      • Solid Waste Management
    2. Disaster Relief (for internally displaced people and victims of natural disaster)
  5. Reduce Vulnerability
    1. Strengthening sustainable economic infrastructure
      • Community's Fisheries, Agriculture Development